6 Aug 2024

Telenco Group CSR Report 2023

A stronger commitment to a sustainable future

We are proud to announce the publication of our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Report for 2023. This report demonstrates Telenco Group's ongoing commitment to sustainable and ethical practices and reflects its ambition to actively contribute to a responsible and innovative future.

Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility

Since our creation in 1999, sustainable development and corporate social responsibility have been at the heart of our concerns.

“We remain convinced that our role goes beyond economics. [...] The Telenco Group continues to place corporate social responsibility at the heart of its strategy.”

Antoine TÊTE, Corporate Development Officer

A CSR strategy structured around four key principles

The Telenco Group's CSR policy is based on four fundamental principles:

  • Social & Societal: Implementation of non-discrimination programmes, support for local employment, training, and sponsorship initiatives.
  • Health & Safety: Commitments to the well-being and safety of employees, including risk prevention measures.
  • Ethics: Strengthening of ethical practices through a code of conduct sent to each employee, anti-corruption training, and a cybersecurity policy.
  • Environment: Reducing our carbon footprint, joining the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), and promoting eco-design.

Concrete, measurable achievements

The 2023 report is rich in concrete achievements that demonstrate the Telenco Group's proactive commitment:

  • Certifications: renewal of ISO 9001 certification and work in progress for ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certification.
  • Waste reduction: 32% reduction in waste by 2023, significantly exceeding the initial target of 20% by 2030.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions: calculations and results verified and validated by LRQUA, with ambitious reduction targets in line with the Paris Agreement.

Our commitments for 2024

The Telenco Group does not intend to stop there. The report sets out ambitious targets for 2024, including:

  • Harmonisation of the CSR approach: Continuing to structure and formalise the CSR approach throughout the Telenco Group.
  • Health and Safety: Reducing workplace accidents and improving working conditions through Quality of Life and Working Conditions (QWLWC) initiatives.
  • Ecological innovation: Continued efforts in eco-design and use of recycled materials to reduce the carbon footprint of products.

We invite all our partners to read this report and join us in building a more sustainable and responsible future.

Read the full report

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